After Verizon, Germany mulls axing foreign tech

First Verizon got the boot, now the German government is considering pulling the plug on foreign companies that provide hardware for official communication networks.

Forget apps, old-school mobiles ring in a comeback

They fit in a pocket, have batteries that last all week and are almost indestructible: old-school Nokias, Ericssons and Motorolas are making a comeback as consumers tired of fragile and overly-wired smartphones go retro.

Oh great, Facebook wants to know you're being sarcastic

You might think social networks couldn't possibly gather more information on you than they already do. That in a world where your every move is tagged, flagged and logged, there is nothing more that could possibly be gleaned ...

Deutsche Telekom profit up, sees rebound in US

Telephone company Deutsche Telekom AG said net profit increased 10 percent in the second quarter to 530 million euros ($704 million) and said its U.S. business was adding "droves" of new customers as its operations there ...

New Finnish solution shortens power cuts during storms

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a tool that can be used to shorten power cuts caused by storms and to reduce the resulting costs and damage, such as faults in household electrical appliances and frozen ...

SoftBank chief aims to create 'world's No.1 company'

The flamboyant founder of Japanese telco SoftBank, which is close to a $21.6 billion takeover of US firm Sprint Nextel, on Friday added a new goal to his lofty agenda: creating the world's biggest company.

Carlos Slim company to buy US mobile phone firm

Mexican phone giant America Movil, owned by billionaire Carlos Slim, announced Monday that its US unit reached a deal to acquire US mobile phone company Start Wireless Group.

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