Fake news changes shape as EU heads into elections

Fake news has evolved beyond the playbook used by Russian trolls in the U.S. election. As the European Union gears up for a crucial election, it is mostly homegrown groups rather than foreign powers that are taking to social ...

Pirate Bay founder jailed for hacking Danish data

A Danish court on Friday sentenced the Swedish founder of file-sharing site The Pirate Bay to 3½ years in prison after he was found guilty of hacking into a private company handling sensitive information for Danish authorities.

Facebook rebuffs UN team request on Somali pirates

United Nations investigators hoped they would get some help from Facebook when they asked to see information on suspected pirates operating in Somalia. But Facebook refused.

Luxoft surges in 1st day of trading on the NYSE

(AP)—Shares of Luxoft, which develops and maintains software for businesses and other enterprises, surged in their first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

Taking stock of technology

At the recent Harvard IT Summit, Anne Margulies, vice president and University chief information officer, mentioned how Harvard had been at the forefront of information technology since its inception, even to the point of ...

3Qs:The evolution of whistleblowing

The leak of classified government documents last week revealed the existence of a massive National Security Administration program of bulk surveillance in which telecommunication and Internet companies are providing the government ...

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