Why do our dogs and cats bring us dead animals?

What do a little penguin, a baby rabbit, a black rat and a Krefft's glider have in common? They've all been presented to me (when dead) by my animal companions. Chances are, if you live with a cat or dog, you've also been ...

Call to protect Australian tenants with pets

With the national squeeze in rental accommodation, Flinders University researchers say it's more important than ever that the South Australian Parliament legislate to uphold the rights of tenants with pets.

Common veterinary drugs show effectiveness against bed bugs

Two common drugs used by veterinarians to combat parasites may be effective against bed bugs, with one showing especially strong potential, according to a new study from North Carolina State University that examined the drugs ...

Assessing the reproductive health of animals

Animal breeding is an interest shared by farm owners and pet lovers, yet how to simply assess animals' reproductive functions remains a question. An Osaka Metropolitan University researcher provides a potential answer with ...

Effect of environmental contaminants on the health of pet cats

Companion animals are in close contact with human surroundings, and there is growing concern about the effects of harmful substances on the health of pet cats. This study investigated the potential health effects of organohalogen ...

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