NASA developing AI to navigate the lunar surface using landmarks

Much like how familiar landmarks can give travelers a sense of direction when their smart phones lose their lock on GPS signals, a NASA engineer is teaching a machine to use features on the Moon's horizon to navigate across ...

NASA delivers first flight hardware to ESA for Lunar Pathfinder

NASA delivered the first flight hardware for the Lunar Pathfinder mission to ESA (European Space Agency), which formally accepted the instrument on Nov. 4. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, developed ...

The hidden crisis of England's rural homelessness

Homelessness has increased in rural communities, according to a new report by the University of Southampton. The findings reveal that 88 percent of respondents feel homelessness has increased within the last year alone.

Recording the seasons using the Nature's Notebook platform

The proliferation of citizen science platforms has allowed for widespread collection of data in countless disciplines, including phenology, the study of the timing of seasonal events in plants and animals. Writing in BioScience, ...

US to plant 1 billion trees as climate change kills forests

The Biden administration on Monday said the government will plant more than one billion trees across millions of acres of burned and dead woodlands in the U.S. West, as officials struggle to counter the increasing toll on ...

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