ESA supports Indian lunar and solar missions

In June 2021, ESA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) signed an agreement to provide technical support to each other, including tracking and communication services to upcoming Indian space missions via ESA's ...

Impact of the pandemic on rural shopping habits

Researchers at the University of Southampton have explored how the pandemic has impacted the shopping habits and attitudes of consumers aged 65+ living and shopping in rural communities in the South of England.

Is science failing Amazon communities?

Although science and technology can prevent further degradation of the Amazon, they cannot provide a solution unless the technical, financial and social legitimacy conditions required by indigenous people are met.

Path set for commercial communications around the moon

ESA confirmed a contract signature yesterday with Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) to be the main customer for their Lunar Pathfinder satellite launching in 2024 that will provide communications services around the ...

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