Preventing violent extremism requires new police programs

The U.S. strategy to prevent homegrown violent extremism through community policing holds promise, but faces significant challenges and needs reforms, according to a new report from the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland ...

Dealing with climate change and local beliefs in Africa

Experts should take note of local knowledge and beliefs when making plans about how to help people in vulnerable regions cope with the impacts of climate change. This will ensure that such interventions are money well spent, ...

NASA is laser-focused on deep space communication

Today's technology has all but eliminated time delays in telecommunication on Earth, but when they do occur they can be frustrating, especially when trying to communicate complex or time sensitive information. The same type ...

Sub-Antarctic fur seal found in unexpected waters

The discovery of a sub-Antarctic fur seal on the northern coast of Kenya – 210 km outside the species' normal range – has caused great excitement among conservationists and community members alike.

Love, marriage and town-gown relationships

A new study assesses a town-gown relationship as if it were a marriage: asking community members just how much comfort they felt with people from the campus community and how much effort they put into getting along.

Strong neighborhood ties can help reduce gun violence

The bonds that tie a neighborhood together can help shield community members from gun violence, according to new findings by Yale School of Medicine researchers in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Program ...

Has global interdependence made the US vulnerable?

Risk is everywhere. There's a risk, for example, that volcanic ash will damage aircraft engines. So when a volcano erupted in Iceland in April 2010, concerns about the plume of volcanic ash disrupted air travel across Europe ...

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