How sport can help young people become better citizens

Most Australians have followed health advice to wear face masks and have COVID-19 vaccinations. Actions like these that benefit others are known in psychology as prosocial behaviors. In a COVID context, prosocial behaviors ...

How religion can heighten or help with financial stress

Churchgoers who are strapped for cash may experience a spike in anxiety when the donation plate is passed. However, knowing they have a church family to support them in times of need may help ease their money worries.

Philly refinery fails to include public input in cleanup efforts

Over a decade of remediation planning and regulatory approvals at Philadelphia's neighborhood refinery has occurred without the benefit of municipal or public involvement, says a new report from the Kleinman Center for Energy ...

Nudge or think: What works best for our society?

If approached in the right way, citizens are willing to change their behaviour and do more to help themselves and others, according to research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The project, carried ...

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