Biosocial crime prevention

Modern crime prevention would benefit from a greater biosocial approach to delinquency and offending that is rooted in family, school and community intervention strategies, according to a research team led by University of ...

Scientists make plastic more degradable under UV light

Many plastics that are labeled as biodegradable are only compostable under industrial conditions, but scientists at the University of Bath have now found a way to make plastics break down using only UV light.

Elusive antiaromatic molecule produced in a lab for the first time

A problem that has puzzled the scientific community for more than 50 years has finally been solved by researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Florida International University and Ruhr University Bochum (Germany).

Biofuel waste product recycled for electricity

A by-product of biofuel manufacture can power microbial fuel cells to generate electricity cheaply and efficiently, according to scientists presenting their work at the Society for General Microbiology's Autumn Conference. ...

Study details bacterial communication

( -- If you think your family talks too loud at times, just consider what the noise level would be if you could hear what the bacteria around you are saying.

3-year-olds get the point

Dogs and small children who share similar social environments appear to understand human gestures in comparable ways, according to Gabriella Lakatos from Eötvös University in Budapest, Hungary, and her team. Looking at ...

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