Computers provide connections for older adults

The rapid evolution of computers makes it challenging for computer savvy users to keep up, but what about older Americans? How useful are computers to the aging population? As the rate of technology change accelerates, there ...

In an emergency, word spreads fast and far

( -- Large-scale emergencies, such as bombings and plane crashes, trigger a sharp spike in the number of phone calls and text messages sent by eyewitnesses in the vicinity of the disaster, according to a research ...

Scientist behind gene-edited babies eyes work in Hong Kong

A Chinese scientist who set off an ethical debate five years ago with claims that he made the world's first genetically edited babies said Tuesday that he hopes to research rare hereditary diseases in Hong Kong.

Strategic city planning can help reduce urban heat island effect

The tendency of cities to trap heat—a phenomenon called the "urban heat island," often referred to as the UHI effect—can lead to dangerous temperatures in the summer months, but new Penn State research published in Buildings ...

Seabed study shows inhabitants' diversity

The tiny creatures that live in seabed sediments are far more genetically varied than we thought – and they're spread around the oceans according to similar rules to those governing the distribution of bigger plants and ...

Protest targets US cyber intelligence legislation

Civil liberties groups on Monday launched protests targeting proposed US cyber intelligence law that they fear would let police freely dip into people's private online information.

Making allowances for job seekers on Facebook

Your inappropriate Facebook profile, posts and photos could lose you your next job, according to an in-depth study of employers from six different industries. The conclusion of a paper to be published in the International ...

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