Digital cathedrals: bringing Notre-Dame de Paris back to life

The devastating fire at Notre-Dame de Paris sparked intense emotion around the world, demonstrating the cathedral's important place in history and culture as well as its enormous symbolic power. As France and other countries ...

The role of intuition in music performance

Emilia Gómez, a researcher with the Musical Technology Research Group (MTG) of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) at UPF, has attempted to create new digital approaches to enrich the experience ...

X-rays might be a better way to communicate in space

In the coming years, thousands of satellites, several next-generation space telescopes and even a few space habitats are expected to be launched into orbit. Beyond Earth, multiple missions are planned to be sent to the lunar ...

Infosys forms community college partnership in Rhode Island

Technology company Infosys announced a new partnership with a community college in Rhode Island to develop workers for digital jobs on Tuesday, with the goal of forming similar arrangements elsewhere in the country.

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