Chattanooga touts transformation into Gig City

A city once infamous for the smoke-belching foundries that blanketed its buildings and streets with a heavy layer of soot is turning to lightning-fast Internet speeds to try to transform itself into a vibrant tech hub.

Limiting internet congestion a key factor in net neutrality debate

Too many vehicles on the highway inevitably slow down traffic. On the Internet information highway, consumers value high-speed Internet service, but there is little reason to think broadband traffic congestion will improve ...

Why natural networks are more stable than man-made networks

( —Interconnected natural networks, such as the ones formed by neurons in the brain, are known to be more stable and resilient to failure than networks created by humans, such as the Internet. Now, a group of international ...

US officials at odds over cellphone use on planes (Update)

It looks like the U.S. government is more conflicted about cellphones on planes than most American travelers. Even as one federal agency considers allowing the calls, another now wants to make sure that doesn't happen.

US eyes phase-out of old telephone network

America's plain old telephone network is rapidly being overtaken by new technology, putting US regulators in a quandary over how to manage the final stages of transformation.

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