Find Local Rideshares Quickly via Mobile Phone

( -- In spite of rising energy prices, many car drivers in large cities still ride alone. The OpenRide mobile ridesharing service aims to save them money while reducing the amount of traffic and thus the burden ...

Researchers establishing security standards for the internet

( -- Dartmouth researchers who were pioneers in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - a system that secures and authenticates computer communications - are now playing leading roles establishing Internet standards ...

Britain seeks to become world's 'digital capital'

Britain on Tuesday declared a goal to become the world's "digital capital" by building cutting-edge broadband, telecoms and media infrastructure to cement its role as a "global economic powerhouse".

A global responsibility to help vulnerable communities adapt

For one international community - the 165,000 strong Inuit community dispersed across the Arctic coastline in small, remote coastal settlements in Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Siberia - it is already too late to prevent ...

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