Study shows placenta truly is a bacteria-free zone

A team of researchers at the University of Cambridge has found evidence indicating that the human placenta is a sterile environment. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes their study of the placental ...

Study finds news logo can affect viewer biases

( -- Americans are more receptive to Al Jazeera English's reporting when they think it is actually CNN International's broadcast, a new University of Michigan study finds.

You're so vain: Study links social media and narcissism

Facebook is a mirror and Twitter is a megaphone, according to a new University of Michigan study exploring how social media reflect and amplify the culture's growing levels of narcissism.

Hunting for elusive tetraneutrons with thermal fission

The possible emission rate of particle-stable tetraneutron, a four-neutron system whose existence has been long debated within the scientific community, has been investigated by researchers from Tokyo Tech. They looked into ...

Trapped in social media 'echo chambers'

Social media has become a go-to platform for people to express their opinions on the hot topics of the day, from the U.S. presidential campaign to the correct color of a dress.

New benzofuran synthesis method enables complex molecule creation

In the field of organic chemistry, scientists are always looking out for new types of reactions to unlock synthesis routes for challenging compounds. Most of the progress that we have witnessed in pharmaceutics and agrochemicals ...

Researchers are finding ways to turn down the heat in cities

Rooftop gardens and greenery can help ease some of the severe heat in cities, according to research from climate scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. For several decades, researchers ...

The human cost of palm oil development

The oil palm industry likes to present itself as a success story in fighting rural poverty in tropical countries, an image supported by a recent article in The Conversation. Is it true?

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