Stranger in the night: space rock to make close Earth flyby

(—A little-known asteroid will skim past Earth on 15 February, passing just 28 000 km from our planet. The 50 m-diameter chunk of space rock was discovered last year by ESA-sponsored amateur astronomers in Spain.

Smart satnav drives around the blue highway blues

Endlessly frustrated by congested roads, computer scientists at California State University, in Fullerton have developed a satellite navigation system, GeoTNavi, which hooks into historical traffic data and current vehicle ...

NASA launches communication satellite

NASA launched a new communication satellite Wednesday to stay in touch with its space station astronauts and relay more Hubble telescope images.

TDRS-K offers upgrade to vital communications net

(—NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System, also known as the Space Network, will get an upgrade this month when the agency launches the first of a new generation of communications satellites to connect ...

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Narelle intensifying

Infrared and near-infrared NASA satellite imagery provided signs to forecasters that Tropical Cyclone Narelle is intensifying as it moves southwest paralleling Western Australia coastline. Warnings have been posted as Narelle ...

Russia works to fix satellite's off-target orbit (Update)

Russian scientists were working to correct the orbit of a communications satellite Sunday after it failed to reach its designated location in space—the latest setback for the country's once-pioneering space industry.

Australia unveils telescope to warn of solar flares

Australia has unveiled a new radio telescope in the remote outback that will give the world a vastly improved view of the sun and much faster warnings on massive solar storms.

Forecasting solar activity and the weather in space

The ability to forecast periods of intense solar activity may be improved after scientists compared cycles of solar magnetic activity (over the past 10,000 years as reconstructed from ice cores) with the action of the planets. ...

Whizzing asteroid turns rocket scientists' heads

(—International leaders in asteroid and comet research are gathering at the University of Central Florida in Orlando Friday, Feb. 15, for a special "viewing party" that will climax with asteroid 2012 DA14 zipping ...

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