China says space debris recovered: report

Objects that crashed to the ground in China have been identified as space debris, state media reported, after a Russian rocket carrying a communications satellite fell back to Earth minutes after lift-off.

MH370 should make us rethink how we monitor planes

Search ships may be honing in on the black box from missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 after weeks of searching. But whether they are successful or not, the difficulty they have encountered along the way should have ...

Satellite reaches California for next Sea Launch

A communications satellite built for France-based Eutelsat has arrived in California to be prepared for liftoff from Sea Launch AG's oceangoing rocket pad.

Cleaning up space debris with sailing satellites

Since the birth of space flight in 1957, the number of man-made objects orbiting the Earth has grown every year. There are now more than 15,000 such objects larger than 10cm, at least those that we know of. Even very small ...

As sea level rises, Everglades' freshwater plants perish

Just inland from the familiar salt-loving mangroves that line the Southern tip of the Florida Peninsula lie plant communities that depend on freshwater flowing south from Lake Okeechobee. These communities provide critical ...

NASA interns start work on future CubeSat mission

This summer, a group of interns at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., hoped to make their impact on the center last more than their 10-week term.

Israeli telecom satellite sent into space

A rocket carrying an Israeli communications satellite has been successfully launched from a Russian facility in Kazakhstan, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) said in a statement on Sunday.

NASA accepts third generation TDRS into network

NASA has accepted ownership of its newest Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) from Boeing after successfully completing in orbit testing. TDRS-K, will be renamed TDRS-11 upon entry into service.

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