Related topics: genome

Neanderthal nose: All the better to breathe with

Neanderthals had large, protruding noses to warm and humidify cold, dry air, a study into the distinct design of our extinct European cousin's face suggested Wednesday.

New life form answers question about evolution of cells

Bacteria and Archaea are two of the three domains of life. Both must have evolved from the putative last universal common ancestor (LUCA). One hypothesis is that this happened because the cell membrane in LUCA was an unstable ...

Scientists create 'Evolutionwatch' for plants

Using a hitchhiking weed, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology reveal for the first time the mutation rate of a plant growing in the wild.

World's most venomous spiders are actually cousins

Two groups of highly venomous spiders might be seeing more of each other at family reunions. A new study led by San Diego State University biologist Marshal Hedin has found that two lineages of dangerous arachnids found in ...

Sponges can economize on oxygen use

Sponges lack a signaling pathway that responds to low intracellular oxygen levels in more complex animals. Do they use a different mechanism for this purpose or did their earliest ancestors evolve at a time when less oxygen ...

Ancient DNA offers new view on saber-toothed cats' past

Researchers who've analyzed the complete mitochondrial genomes from ancient samples representing two species of saber-toothed cats have a new take on the animals' history over the last 50,000 years. The data suggest that ...

Scientists map sex chromosome evolution in pathogenic fungi

Biologically speaking, nearly every species on Earth has two opposite sexes, male and female. But with some fungi and other microbes, sex can be a lot more complicated. Some members of Cryptococcus, a family of fungus linked ...

New 13-million-year-old infant skull sheds light on ape ancestry

The discovery in Kenya of a remarkably complete fossil ape skull reveals what the common ancestor of all living apes and humans may have looked like. The find, announced in the scientific journal Nature on August 10th, belongs ...

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