Joint bank accounts make for happier couples

In a world of dual-income households and relationships formed years into one's career (and accumulation of assets and debts), many couples today choose to keep their finances at least partially separate.

Monthly wages are an important step towards economic development

Most workers and agricultural producers in developing countries are paid on a daily basis. This has a negative impact on their ability to generate savings for large expenses. Researchers from UZH have now shown that dairy ...

Report finds palm oil companies' commitments lacking

Zero-deforestation commitments within the palm oil industry risk being undermined by a lack of monitoring within production landscapes—meaning the deforestation of tropical forests home to Critically Endangered wildlife ...

New way of thinking about work-life balance is needed

In a paper published in leading academic journal, Human Resource Management Journal, Cranfield School of Management expert, Professor Clare Kelliher, argues that there is a need to review how we think about work-life balance.

Secondary forests have short lifespans

Secondary forests, or forests that have regrown after agriculture use, only last an average of 20 years, according to a recently released scientific paper.

When it comes to decisions, breaking up is hard to do

Whether it's a bad relationship, a failing corporate strategy or an old car that you just can't quit, we all like to believe that our decisions to stick things out are rational and logical, but the truth is that our minds ...

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