Diversity training benefits can lead to career joy

Managers and executives who find value in diversity training are more committed to their organizations and satisfied with their careers than those who perceive training to be ineffective, suggest researchers from Ryerson ...

The impact of career growth on organizational commitment

Many companies have made wage and professional development cuts part of their recent budget-tightening strategies. But those companies may want to start re-investing in their most valued employees if they want to keep them, ...

The end of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon?

A new article in the December 4 issue of Science addresses how the combined efforts of government commitments and market transition could save forest and reduce carbon emissions in Brazil. The Policy Forum brief, entitled ...

Bosses exaggerate women's family-work conflict

(PhysOrg.com) -- Decades into the era of two-earner households, the virtues of family-friendly policies are all but universally assumed in the corporate world. But now new research suggests serious potential pitfalls for ...

Engaged employees deliver improved business performance

(PhysOrg.com) -- Research indicates that in the UK and US as many as 70% of employees may not be engaged at work. Therefore, it is not surprising that employee engagement has become something of a hot topic amongst business ...

New management training could lead to improved worker health

In an effort to improve worker health, researchers from Michigan State University and Portland State University have created an innovative training program that calls for supervisors to better support their employees' work ...

'Unfunded liabilities' a financial myth, expert says

A growing chorus of complaints about the U.S. government’s “unfunded” debts may be unsettling, but no cause to become unnerved, a University of Illinois tax expert says.

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