PRIMEHPC FX10 supercomputer wins crown for Fujitsu

( -- Fujitsu yesterday announced a new commercial supercomputer, the PRIMEHPC FX10. The announcement is a stunner because of its specs, and right on the heels of this month’s other Fujitsu headliner, the ...

Branson and NM officials dedicate space terminal (Update)

With his usual flair, British billionaire Richard Branson rappelled from a balcony, shook up a big bottle of champagne and took a swig while christening the world's first built-from-scratch commercial spaceport on Monday.

NASA to demonstrate communications via laser beam

It currently takes 90 minutes to transmit high-resolution images from Mars, but NASA would like to dramatically reduce that time to just minutes. A new optical communications system that NASA plans to demonstrate in 2016 ...

Reducing jet noise by controlling turbulence

Airlines and aircraft manufacturers are under increasing pressure to keep noise levels low for airport personnel and for people in surrounding neighborhoods.

New tool analyzes black-box data for flight anomalies

An airplane's digital flight-data recorder, or "black box," holds massive amounts of data, documenting the performance of engines, cockpit controls, hydraulic equipment and GPS systems, typically at regular one-second intervals ...

Good management, not just money, leads to innovative discoveries

( -- University scientists and engineers are more likely produce inventions and patents if they work in an environment where management supports and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and commercialization, ...

Air France to power planes with cooking oil

In a giant nod to the growing recycled fuel industry, Air France-KLM has announced that it will start flying planes in September using a blend of kerosene and used cooking oil. More than 200 flights between Paris and Amsterdam ...

First self-powered device with wireless data transmission

Scientists are reporting development of the first self-powered nano-device that can transmit data wirelessly over long distances. In a study in ACS's journal Nano Letters, they say it proves the feasibility of a futuristic ...

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