Sediment discovery could save millions

New research tracking the movement of dredged sediment around Liverpool Bay could save millions of pounds, according to scientists at the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool.

Study warns of pollution from ships

Thousands of merchant ships chug in and out of South Florida's bustling ports each year, bringing boatloads worth of economic benefit to the region.

Could trawler cams help save world's dwindling fish stocks?

For years, Mark Hager's job as an observer aboard New England fishing boats made him a marked man, seen as a meddling cop on the ocean, counting and scrutinizing every cod, haddock and flounder to help set crucial quotas.

Conducting cool summer research in the Arctic

The Arctic Coastal Ecosystems Survey (ACES) is focused on understanding the ecological role of near-shore and lagoon habitats of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas that surround Alaska and its connectivity with the coastal ocean. ...

New requirements for ballast water dumped by ships

(AP)—The Environmental Protection Agency has issued new requirements for cleansing ballast water dumped from ships, which scientists believe has brought invasive species to U.S. waters that damage ecosystems and cost the ...

European fish stocks to be counted

Counting every single fish in the European seas may sound as likely as finding a mermaid, but it seems the world of technology has no boundaries.

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