Steep decline in giant sea turtles seen off US West Coast

Scientists were documenting stranded sea turtles on California's beaches nearly 40 years ago when they noticed that leatherbacks—massive sea turtles that date to the time of the dinosaurs—were among those washing up on ...

Effective planning ahead protects fish and fisheries

Conservation of fish and other marine life migrating from warming ocean waters will be more effective and also protect commercial fisheries if plans are made now to cope with climate change, according to a Rutgers-led study ...

COVID-19 and Brexit can help with the recovery of UK fish stocks

The United Kingdom has a unique opportunity to start rebuilding its fish stocks by taking advantage of the slowdown in commercial fishing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing Brexit negotiations, new research has shown.

Large rockfish leave Chesapeake Bay to become ocean migrators

A new electronic tagging study of 100 Potomac River striped bass sheds light on rockfish migration in Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Coast. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science researchers found that when ...

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