Pop art and comics—imitation, confrontation, collaboration

The relationship between pop artist Roy Lichtenstein and the creators of comics was famously fraught, with accusations of imitation and idea-stealing from the 'strip men'. However, new research published in the journal Art ...

GPM: Making science fun for kids through comics

To get young students reading about science, NASA is trying something different. Instead of a press release or a scientific paper, the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission has launched a Japanese manga-style comic ...

November launch for new version of 'Halo' videogame

Microsoft on Tuesday announced that a new installment to the hit videogame "Halo" will be released in November, and predicted it would launch the next decade of the hugely popular franchise.

Fujifilm introduces new authoring software

Fujifilm has launched GT-EpubAuthor for Fixed Layout. GT-EpubAuthor is an authoring software that allows the easy output of images such as e-comics and e-books in EPUB3 format, the official international standard for digital ...

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