Novel hydrogel harnesses air moisture for practical applications

High humidity causes discomfort and makes hot days feel more unbearable. A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has invented a novel gel-like material that not only effectively dehumidifies ...

Building a sustainable future: Urgent action needed

We need to act urgently to increase the energy efficiency of our buildings as the world's emerging middle classes put increasing demands on our planet's energy resources. These are the findings of a new report, published ...

Changes of effective temperature and cold/hot days over China

Whether you prefer a cool summer night with a gentle breeze or a crystal clear and still winter day, the human perception of temperature, or thermal comfort, while largely dependent on the temperature itself, involves several ...

Living in the genetic comfort zone

The information encoded in the DNA of an organism is not sufficient to determine the expression pattern of genes. This fact has been known even before the discovery of epigenetics, which refers to external modifications to ...

Climate control for the burns unit

Individualized climate control for burns victims in hospitals might not only improve comfort for such patients, but improve working conditions for those taking care of them. In addition, it could cut energy requirements by ...

Study confirms effect of ceiling fans

Working in a comfortable air-conditioned room at high temperatures: Architects of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) built the new climate chamber LOBSTER to study what this may be like. The study focused on comfort ...

Office plants boost well-being at work

Office plants can assist in boosting staff well-being by up to 47% according to workplace research carried out at this year's Chelsea Flower Show.

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