Related topics: sun

How to find and make the most of comet Lovejoy

Comet Q2 Lovejoy passed closest to Earth on January 7th and has been putting on a great show this past week. Glowing at magnitude +4 with a bluish coma nearly as big as the Full Moon, the comet's easy to see with the naked ...

Comet Lovejoy glows brightest during mid-January

Comet Lovejoy, already being tracked by backyard astronomers worldwide, is entering its best and brightest two weeks for viewing. From about January 7th through 24th the comet is predicted to be glowing at 4th magnitude—bright ...

Comet Lovejoy approaching key spot

Comet Lovejoy reaches a pivotal point in its orbit next week when it comes closest to the sun. It will still be visible to earthbound skygazers, astronomers say.

Australian amateur Terry Lovejoy discovers new comet

It's confirmed! Australian amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy just discovered his fifth comet, C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy). He found it August 17th using a Celestron C8 fitted with a CCD camera at his roll-off roof observatory in Brisbane, ...

Will comet ISON survive its brush with the Sun?

( —The much-anticipated close approach of comet ISON to the Sun this November may be spectacular as viewed from Earth, but it's unlikely to spell the end of the comet, according to a numerical-simulation study ...

Image: NASA's NEOWISE captures Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) is one of more than 32 comets imaged by NASA's NEOWISE mission from December 2013 to December 2014. This image of comet Lovejoy combines a series of observations made in November 2013, when comet ...

Spacecraft discovers thousands of doomed comets

For an astronomer, discovering a comet can be the highlight of a lifetime. Great comets carry the names of their discoverers into history. Comet Halley, Comet Lovejoy, Comet Hale-Bopp are just a few examples….

Subaru telescope captures comet Lovejoy's tail

A team of astronomers from Stony Brook University (the State University of New York at Stony Brook), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), and others used Suprime-Cam, Subaru Telescope's wide-field, prime-focus ...

Heliophysics nugget: Sungrazing comets as solar probes

(—Heliophysics nuggets are a collection of early science results, new research techniques and instrument updates that further our attempt to understand the sun and the dynamic space weather system that surrounds ...

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