Related topics: light

Pterosaur discovery solves ancient feather mystery

An international team of paleontologists has discovered remarkable new evidence that pterosaurs, the flying relatives of dinosaurs, were able to control the color of their feathers using melanin pigments.

Mathematics learning for Black communities

Communities of color in the United States have been disproportionately hit by the COVID-19 pandemic over the last few years, experiencing higher numbers of infections and death than predominantly white communities.

Birds are more colourful closer to the equator, study proves

When European naturalists traveled to the tropics in the 1800s, they postulated that birds became more colorful closer to the equator—a theory that scientists confirmed on Monday using artificial intelligence technology.

Lustrous-colored 3D printing using liquid crystals

What do cosmetics, car finishes, passports, bank notes, tropical insects, and oysters have in common? The color is formed through a specific microscopic organization of the matter making up the material, often called "iridescent" ...

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