Researchers find that teamwork helps jellies jet around the ocean

Scientists now know why jellyfish-like salps swimming together move better than a single salp pulsing solo. That information, says UO marine biologist Kelly Sutherland, could guide the development of jet-propelled underwater ...

Technology tracks 'bee talk' to help improve honey bee health

Biologists are working to better understand Colony Collapse Disorder given the value of honey bees to the economy and the environment. Monitoring bee activity and improving monitoring systems may help to address the issue. 

'Oyster wranglers' scout rivers for signs of shellfish life

A New Jersey environmental group that has had success re-establishing oyster colonies in struggling waterways is trying a new tactic in two rivers at the Jersey shore: checking the water to see if oysters are already there.

Helium ions reveal how viruses attack bacteria

An interdisciplinary research consortium from the Nanoscience Center at University of Jyvaskyla in Finland (group leaders Dr. Lotta-Riina Sundberg and Prof. Ilari Maasilta) has found that bacteria and viruses can be imaged ...

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