Mass extinction may not cause all organisms to 'shrink'

The sizes of organisms following mass extinction events may vary more than previously thought, which may be inconsistent with the predictions of the so-called 'Lilliput effect,' according to a study published in PLOS ONE ...

Marine heat waves affecting little penguin population

Research led by The University of Western Australia has found marine heat waves are affecting the breeding, diet and population size of little penguins along Western Australia's coast.

Geoengineering: 'Plan B' for the planet

Dismissed a decade ago as far-fetched and dangerous, schemes to tame global warming by engineering the climate have migrated from the margins of policy debates towards centre stage.

Common insecticide may not harm bumble bees

Investigators have found no effect of an insecticide called thiamethoxam on bumble bees that forage on flowering winter oilseed rape. Using realistic field conditions, the researchers treated seeds of oilseed rape with the ...

Dam good research on invasive beavers in Patagonia

For three years, Duke student Alejandro Pietrek has bravely grappled with some unusual marauders of the forests and steppes of Patagonia: invasive beavers. A biology graduate student, Pietrek recently presented his dissertation ...

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