Fruit fly midguts provide human abdomen acumen

( —Nicolas Buchon, associate professor of entomology, is giving the fruit fly research community a lot to digest: a detailed molecular and anatomical atlas of the fruit fly digestive tract. The results, published ...

Snail genetic tracks reveal ancient human migration

Some snails in Ireland and the Pyrenees are genetically almost identical, perhaps because they were carried across the Atlantic during an 8000-year-old human migration. The snail genetics tie in with studies of human genetics ...

Intestinal bacteria protect against E. coli O157:H7

A cocktail of non-pathogenic bacteria naturally occurring in the digestive tract of healthy humans can protect against a potentially lethal E. coli infection in animal models according to research presented today at the 113th ...

In birds, personalities can be a question of weather

We all know about people's personalities, and anyone with a dog or a cat will also tell you about their temperaments. More surprising, though, is how many others, from octopuses to frogs and even spiders have them. But why ...

Scientists discover new way protein degradation is regulated

( —Proteins, unlike diamonds, aren't forever. And when they wear out, they need to be degraded in the cell back into amino acids, where they will be recycled into new proteins. Researchers at Rockefeller University ...

Study reveals how families share microbes, even with dogs

A study that began during the post-doctoral work of Northern Arizona University's Gregory Caporaso is shedding some light on how adults, and their dogs and kids, share microbial communities.

Scientists improve dating of early human settlement

(—A Simon Fraser University archaeologist and his colleagues at the University of Queensland in Australia have significantly narrowed down the time frame during which the last major chapter in human colonization, ...

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