Emperor penguins may shorten record fast by snacking

The endurance of emperor penguins, trudging through the perpetual Antarctic night to their breeding colonies, is legendary. Many trek more than 100 km from their ocean feeding grounds to rookeries at inland locations in preparation ...

Tiny polyps save corals from predators and disease

In a new study published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society, scientists show how tiny hydrozoans, polyps smaller than one millimeter and commonly found in dense colonies on the surface of hard corals, may play a role ...

Migration makes breeding harder for seabirds

An international collaboration has for the first time revealed the key drivers of seabird migration. The new study suggests that puffin colonies that travel great distances during the winter often find it more difficult to ...

Camponotini ant species have their own distinct microbiomes

Camponotini ant species have their own distinct microbiomes and the bacteria may also vary by developmental stage, according to a study published November 22, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Manuela Oliveira Ramalho ...

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