What stops flows in glassy materials?

Glasses have a liquid-like disordered structure but solid-like mechanical properties. This leads to one of the central mysteries of glasses: Why don't they flow like liquids? This question is so important that it was selected ...

On-demand glass is right around the corner

A research group coordinated by physicists of the University of Trento was able to probe internal stress in colloidal glasses, a crucial step to controlling the mechanical properties of glasses. Their work opens the way to ...

Smart materials investigated on space station

If you have a smartphone, take it out and run your fingers along the glass surface. It's cool to the touch, incredibly thin and strong, and almost impervious to scratching. You're now in contact with a "smart material."

Osmosis in colloidal suspensions

(PhysOrg.com) -- It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of colloidal suspensions. Besides being an integral part of our everyday life (food, cosmetics, drugs), they also serve as an excellent model system for ...

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