Related topics: large hadron collider

The science of why hawks are one of nature's deadliest hunters

The sight of hundreds of thousands of bats streaming from their roost at dusk is one of nature's great spectacles. Swarms can be so dense they resemble rising smoke at a distance. But the aerial antics of the birds of prey ...

LHCf continues to investigate cosmic rays

LHCf has completed its first data-taking period during LHC Run 3, taking advantage of the record 13.6 TeV collision energy. This coincides with the machine's record fill time of 57 hours.

Constraining the nucleon size with relativistic nuclear collisions

It may be hard to imagine that the debris of violent heavy ion collisions—which dissolve the boundaries of protons and neutrons and produce thousands of new particles—can be used to gain detailed insight into the properties ...

Video: The new Large Hadron Collider beauty VELO

The Vertex Locator (VELO) was installed at the LHCb experiment in May 2022, just in time for the start of the third LHC run, on 5 July, marking the end of 15 years of development and construction.

As 'Run 3' begins, CERN touts discovery of exotic particles

The physics lab that's home to the world's largest atom smasher announced on Tuesday the observation of three new "exotic particles" that could provide clues about the force that binds subatomic particles together.

Image: Tenoumer Crater, Mauritania

Deep within the Sahara Desert lies one of the best-preserved craters on Earth. On Asteroid Day, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over the almost-perfectly circular Tenoumer Crater in Mauritania.

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