Related topics: large hadron collider

Calculation shows why heavy quarks get caught up in the flow

Using some of the world's most powerful supercomputers, a group of theorists has produced a major advance in the field of nuclear physics—a calculation of the "heavy quark diffusion coefficient." This number describes how ...

Particle trio exceeds expectations at Large Hadron Collider

The ATLAS experiment has confirmed that a trio of particles—a top-antitop quark pair and a W boson—occurs more frequently than expected in the wake of proton-proton collisions inside the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Hubble captures movie of DART asteroid impact debris

In 2022 NASA embarked on a bold experiment to see if they could change an asteroid's velocity by smacking it with a ballistic probe—kind of like hitting it with a hammer. This experiment was to test a potential technique ...

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