Related topics: large hadron collider

Smallest LHC experiment has cosmic outing

Roughly once a year, the smallest Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment, LHC-forward (LHCf), is taken out of its dedicated storage on the site near the ATLAS experiment, reinstalled in the LHC tunnel, and put to use investigating ...

Europe's Mars orbiter is healthy says 'relieved' ESA (Update)

UPDATE: Ground controllers re-established full links Sunday with a European-Russian Mars orbiter which worryingly stopped sending status updates after releasing a lander on a three-day trek to the Red Planet's surface.

What happens when galaxies collide?

We don't want to scare you, but our own Milky Way is on a collision course with Andromeda, the closest spiral galaxy to our own. At some point during the next few billion years, our galaxy and Andromeda – which also happen ...

Experience with vehicles does not help birds avoid collisions

Researchers suspected that experience with passing vehicles may cause birds to adjust their avoidance responses-specifically, to increase their flight initiation distances-to keep from being hit. Instead, though, they recently ...

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