Belle discovers new heavy 'exotic hadrons'

( -- Two unexpected new hadrons containing bottom quarks have been discovered by the Belle Experiment using the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)'s B Factory (KEKB), a highly-luminous, electron-positron ...

Why solar wind is rhombic-shaped?

Why the temperatures in the solar wind are almost the same in certain directions, and why different energy densities are practically identical, was until now not clear.

How 'sticky' is dense nuclear matter?

Colliding heavy atomic nuclei together creates a fluidlike soup of visible matter's fundamental building blocks, quarks and gluons. This soup has very low viscosity—a measure of its "stickiness," or resistance to flow.

LHCf continues to investigate cosmic rays

LHCf has completed its first data-taking period during LHC Run 3, taking advantage of the record 13.6 TeV collision energy. This coincides with the machine's record fill time of 57 hours.

LHCf gears up to probe birth of cosmic-ray showers

Cosmic rays are particles from outer space, typically protons, travelling at almost the speed of light. When the most energetic of these particles strike the atmosphere of our planet, they interact with atomic nuclei in the ...

More energy means more effects—in proton collisions

The higher the collision energy of particles, the more interesting the physics. Scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow have found further confirmation of this assumption, ...

New particle flow algorithm improves ATLAS experiment precision

Proton collisions in the Large Hadron Collider often result in the production of "jets" of particles. These jets are a key element in the measurement of many processes, such as the decays of Higgs bosons or other exotic particles. ...

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