After Newtown: A new use for a weapons-detecting radar?

In the weeks after the Connecticut school shooting, as the nation puzzled over how it happened and what might prevent it from happening again, Kamal Sarabandi was listening to the news. Talk turned to giving teachers guns, ...

Automating collision avoidance

ESA is preparing to use machine learning to protect satellites from the very real and growing danger of space debris.

Total autopilot: A step closer

(—Will planes someday fly without pilots? Three EPFL laboratories, commissioned by Honeywell and operating under the auspices of EPFL's Transportation Center, are working on this possibility by developing collision-prediction, ...

New algorithms for high speed and low cost 3-D imaging

Ultrawideband millimeter-wave radar devices are promising as high precision sensors to monitor environments where vision is hindered due to clouds and fog for applications including automobile collision avoidance systems. ...

Recognising sustainable behaviour

Solving the growing problem of space debris will require everyone who flies rockets and satellites to adhere to sustainable practices, which doesn't always happen. Now there will be a way to recognise those who do.

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