Examining how first impressions affect later romantic outcomes

A new University of California, Davis, study analyzing romantic first impressions shows that compatibility and popularity among the dating pool are influential in shaping who people pursue as potential romantic partners.

First smartphone app that predicts GPA created

If you're a college student wondering how your study and party habits will affect your GPA, wonder no longer. Dartmouth researchers and their colleagues have built the first app that automatically predicts college students' ...

Why putting off college math can be a good idea

Putting off college math could improve the likelihood that students remain in college. But that may only be true as long as students don't procrastinate more than one year. This is what colleagues and I found in a study published ...

Believing the impossible and conspiracy theories

Distrust and paranoia about government has a long history, and the feeling that there is a conspiracy of elites can lead to suspicion for authorities and the claims they make. For some, the attraction of conspiracy theories ...

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