COVID-19: the rise of a global collective intelligence?

All around the world, scientists and practitioners are relentlessly harnessing data on the pandemic to model its progression, predict the impact of possible interventions and develop solutions to medical equipment shortages, ...

Crowdsourcing climate strategy

As world climate leaders prepare for the international climate talks in Paris later this year, the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence's Climate CoLab has launched a new set of contests that give citizens a chance to create ...

The network of the future, beyond theory

Nearly a decade ago, as the internet began to morph from a web of information into a web of connected people and things, European researchers saw not only theoretical possibilities but a chance to reinvent the network of ...

Putting heads (and computers) together to solve global problems

( -- Imagine if the planet's collective brainpower and computing power could be brought together to tackle some of the world's toughest problems, including global climate change and cancer. It may sound like science ...

In the mood for music

Could a computer distinguish between the moods of a mournful classical movement or an angst-ridden emo rock song? Research to be published in the International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, suggests that ...

Belgium plans collection of plane, train, ferry users' data

Belgium on Monday unveiled plans for a controversial system to collect data on all airline passengers, as well as international train and ferry travellers, in the wake of a foiled attack on a train running between Belgium ...

US House passes bill ending NSA bulk data collection

The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to end the NSA's dragnet collection of telephone data from millions of Americans, a controversial program revealed in 2013 by former security contractor Edward Snowden.

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