'Stressed' young bees could be the cause of colony collapse

Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a major threat to bee colonies around the world and affects their ability to perform vital human food crop pollination. It has been a cause of urgent concern for scientists and farmers around ...

Work with baker's yeast has implications for ecology

A physicist, a mathematician, and an economist walk into a bakery. It sounds like the opening of a witty one-liner, but for Jeff Gore, the Latham Family Career Development Assistant Professor of Physics at MIT, it marks the ...

Penrose's and Hawking's early math award revisited

In 1966, it was Roger Penrose who won the prestigious Adams Prize for his essay "An analysis of the structure of space-time." The Adams Prize – named after the British mathematician John Couch Adams – is awarded each ...

Best for bees to be stay-at-homes

Honey bees with roots in the local environment manage much better in the struggle for survival than imported honey bees from foreign environments.

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