Researchers identify female sex determining gene in mice

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and the Université Cote d'Azur, together with other labs in France and Switzerland, have identified a gene which is an early determining factor of ovary development in mice.

Scientists identify networks for spikelet formation in barley

Organ development in plants mostly occurs through combinatorial activity of so-called meristems. Meristems are plant cells or tissues that give rise to new organs, similar to stem cells in human—including spikelets. Spikelets ...

Creativity that counts

In a digital world, literature, art and music are often the result of collaborative efforts. But who owns what, and can copyright law cope? New research aims to find out.

Hurricane risk perception drops after storms hit, study shows

Programs and policies that help households go beyond stocking up on food and medical supplies to invest in longer-term protections could overcome the risk perception gap and support adaptation to rising climate-related threats.

What can worms tell us about human aging?

What can worms tell us about human ageing? A lot more than you'd think; as research led by the Babraham Institute but involving researchers from multiple disciplines drawn together from across the world has shown. In a cluster ...

China is planning to double the size of its space station

The International Space Station (ISS) will be retired in 2030 after more than 32 years of continuous service. Naturally, there are questions regarding what will replace this station, which has served as a bastion for vital ...

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