History is the key to making sense of nuclear weapons

In the early days of his first term, US president Barack Obama gave a speech in Prague in which he called for a world without nuclear weapons. His argument was based on a risk assessment:

Cosmonaut Gorbatko hails Armstrong's 'big step' on moon

Russian cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko said Sunday that Neil Armstrong took a big step in space conquest by becoming the first man on the moon just years after Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel to space.

The varieties of nuclear strategy

During the Cold War, nuclear-weapons strategy was oriented around the doctrine of "mutual assured destruction": The world's two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, both knew that any use of nuclear arms would ...

Cold War offered odd benefit -- it limited species invasions

A recent study about movement of bird species during the Cold War outlines one of the perils facing an expanding global economy - along with international trade comes the potential for a significant increase in invasive species ...

What Americans should fear in cyberspace

A recent Pew poll found that Americans are more afraid of a cyber attack than they are of Iranian nuclear weapons, the rise of China or climate change. Such fears are not only out of proportion to risk; if they take hold, ...

Artificial intelligence is the weapon of the next Cold War

It is easy to confuse the current geopolitical situation with that of the 1980s. The United States and Russia each accuse the other of interfering in domestic affairs. Russia has annexed territory over U.S. objections, raising ...

Science historian discusses U.S. government report on UFOs

Tucked in the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief package that passed in December was a stipulation initially overlooked by many. As part of the Intelligence Authorization Act, the government was required to publicly release the ...

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