Weather anomalies found to be keeping insects active longer

As Earth's climate continues to warm due to the emission of greenhouse gasses, extreme and anomalous weather events are becoming more common. But predicting and analyzing the effects of what is, by definition, an anomaly ...

In years after El Niño, global economy loses trillions

In the years it strikes, the band of warm ocean water spanning from South America to Asia known as El Niño triggers far-reaching changes in weather that result in devastating floods, crop-killing droughts, plummeting fish ...

Adaptations allow Antarctic icefish to see under the sea ice

Antarctica may seem like a desolate place, but it is home to some of the most unique lifeforms on the planet. Despite the fact that land temperatures average around -60°C and ocean temperatures hover near the freezing point ...

A persistent influence of supernovae on biodiversity

The number of exploding stars (supernovae) has significantly influenced marine life's biodiversity during the last 500 million years. This is the essence of a new study published in Ecology and Evolution by Henrik Svensmark, ...

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