Size matters: How body size shapes dogs' aging patterns

Smaller dogs may live twice as long life as their larger counterparts. But does this size difference also impact how dogs age in terms of behavior and cognitive abilities? Based on the data of 15,000 dogs, researchers from ...

How AI can use classroom conversations to predict academic success

The recent shift towards e-learning and online classrooms can provide valuable insight into patterns and behaviors that make students successful. Using the help of AI, researchers have determined what those patterns and behaviors ...

Study: Cognitive flexibility enhances mathematical reasoning

At school or in everyday life, proportional reasoning is essential for many activities. This type of reasoning allows us to adapt the quantity of ingredients in a recipe or to calculate the distance traveled as a function ...

Could a Neanderthal meditate?

Emiliano Bruner, a paleoneurologist at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), has led a study published in the journal Intelligence on how attention evolved in the human genus, which analyzes ...

Cuttlefish camouflage may be more complex than previously thought

A new study published in Current Biology suggests that the European cuttlefish (sepia officinalis) may combine, as necessary, two distinct neural systems that process specific visual features from its local environment and ...

Cells hold the secrets of aging

Most of us think about getting older from time to time, noticing how the years slip by and counting the gray hairs. Some of us even try and fight back, rubbing anti-aging creams into our cheeks and turning to ideas like fasting.

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