Humans like to work together in solving tasks, chimps don't

Recent studies have shown that chimpanzees possess many of the cognitive prerequisites necessary for humanlike collaboration. Cognitive abilities, however, might not be all that differs between chimpanzees and humans when ...

Brainy lizards pass test for birds

Tropical lizards may be slow. But they aren't dumb. They can do problem-solving tasks just as well as birds and mammals, a new study shows.

Parrots display teamwork and decision-making skills

( -- In a new study published in the journal Animal Cognition, Dr. Dalila Bovet from Paris West University Nanterre La Defense showed how African grey parrots are capable of cooperating and performing tasks as ...

Monkey recall memory mirrors that of humans

A new study shows for the first time that monkeys can recall and reproduce simple shapes from memory. Identifying this recall ability is critical to our understanding of the evolution of memory and other cognitive abilities, ...

Are the wealthiest countries the smartest countries?

It's not just how free the market is. Some economists are looking at another factor that determines how much a country's economy flourishes: how smart its people are. For a study published in an upcoming issue of Psychological ...

How dogs make sense of size

( -- University of Sussex psychologists have demonstrated an ability in domestic dogs to match acoustic and visual cues - a cognitive ability once thought to be found in primates only -when assessing size in other ...

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