Oil on Nigerian coast after major Shell spill: NGO

An environmental group said Tuesday that an oil slick had approached Nigeria's coastline after a major Shell spill last week, but the company insisted that its spill had been largely dispersed.

Coasts' best protection from bioinvaders falling short

Invasive species have hitchhiked to the U.S. on cargo ships for centuries, but the method U.S. regulators most rely on to keep them out is not equally effective across coasts. Ecologists from the Smithsonian Environmental ...

Russian ship finds tsunami debris where scientists predicted

Ever since the great Japan tsunami on March 11 washed millions of tons of debris into the Pacific, scientists at the International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, have been trying to track the trajectory ...

Lurking under Bangladesh: The next great earthquake?

After the recent great quakes that have swept away entire coastlines and cities in Japan, Haiti and Sumatra, scientists are now looking hard at the nation that may suffer the gravest threat of all: Bangladesh. A new documentary ...

Puerto Rico coast still ruled by 1886 law

(AP) -- A Spanish law crafted in 1886 still governs development along Puerto Rico's sprawling coastline, worrying activists and legislators who say the ancient mandate has allowed construction along ecologically sensitive ...

Dig team returns to uncover Jersey's Ice Age past

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of archaeologists from British universities are due to return to Jersey to start their second season excavating across the island. Over the course of a month they will investigate a late ice age hunting ...

Climate activists target states with lawsuits

(AP) -- A group of attorneys representing children and young adults began to file legal actions Wednesday in every state and the District of Columbia in an effort to force government intervention on climate change.

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