Being prepared for storm surges on the Baltic Sea coast

The record storm surge in October 2023 caused severe damage to the German Baltic coast. Effective adaptation scenarios to rising sea levels are, therefore, becoming increasingly urgent. In two recent studies, researchers ...

Feathery moa's fossilized footprints, ancient age revealed

Cosmogenic nuclide dating, a method commonly used in dating coastal areas and alluvial riverbeds for landscape reconstruction, is also useful for calculating the age of trace fossils, such as a footprint, where no remains ...

Scientists highlight discrepancies in regional climate models

Up to now, the results of climate simulations have sometimes contradicted the analysis of climate traces from the past. A team led by the physicist Thomas Laepple from the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam and the climatologist ...

Investigators examine shifts in coral microbiome under hypoxia

A new study published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology provides the first characterization of the coral microbiome under hypoxia, insufficient oxygen in the water. The research is an initial step toward identifying ...

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