Microplastics flow into Gulf St. Vincent waters

Plastic pollution has been recorded in eight freshwater streams running into Gulf St. Vincent, confirming the regular flow of microplastics into local marine environments—and the need for better waste management systems.

Acidification and low oxygen put fish in double jeopardy

Severe oxygen drops in the water can leave trails of fish kills in their wakes, but scientists thought adult fish would be more resilient to the second major threat in coastal waters: acidification. A new study published ...

Groundwater discharge affects water quality in coastal waters

Water quality management in the ocean often targets visible pollution sources such as sewage, rivers or ships. A new global study, led by researchers at the University of Gothenburg, reveals that invisible groundwater discharges ...

Sentinel-2A completes critical first days in space

June 26 marked the end of Sentinel-2A's first three days in space, which saw teams on the ground working around the clock to ensure the spacecraft is ready for its 'colour vision' mission.

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