Experts warn Australia at risk from drought, rising water levels

Leading water and coastal engineering experts from the University of Western Australia warn one of the biggest risks facing Australia is water security, with some regional towns experiencing water shortage to the point where ...

Benin struggles in battle to halt coastal erosion

Along its Atlantic coast, Benin's government has spent millions of dollars to protect coastal communities from sea erosion. But Doris Alapini can only watch as waves tirelessly eat away at her land and the large seaside restaurant ...

Coastal wetlands are nature's flood defences

Coastal wetlands—such as salt marshes—provide even more flood protection than previously thought, reducing the risk to lives and homes in estuaries, a new study has revealed.

Sentinel-2B poised for liftoff

With liftoff just few days away, the next Sentinel satellite for the Copernicus environmental monitoring programme is positioned in the launch tower at Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

Lawsuits against EPA target nutrients in US waters

(AP) -- Environmental groups are suing the Environmental Protection Agency to force the federal government to curb an overdose of nutrients from farms and cities that end up in the nation's rivers, lakes and coastal waters. ...

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