A new way to forecast beach water quality

Less than two days of water quality sampling at local beaches may be all that's needed to reduce illnesses among millions of beachgoers every year due to contaminated water, according to new Stanford research. The study, ...

Antidepressants make shrimps see the light

(PhysOrg.com) -- Rising levels of antidepressants in coastal waters could change sea-life behaviour and potentially damage the food-chain, according to a new study.

Algae declines in the water off Sydney

(Phys.org) —One of the longest time-series of phytoplankton (microalgae) data in the Southern Hemisphere has revealed that phytoplankton are declining in the waters off Sydney.

Secrets of hidden ice canyons revealed

We are all aware that Antarctica's ice shelves are thinning, but recently scientists have also discovered huge canyons cutting through the underbelly of these shelves, potentially making them even more fragile. Thanks to ...

Machine learning used to predict water quality

Research in the International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics has demonstrated how machine learning can be used to predict water quality index. The work could have implications for the future ...

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