Using off-the-shelf drones to spot deadly jellyfish

The research, published today in the journal PLOS One, focused on Chironex fleckeri—a large jellyfish capable of killing a human in under three minutes and considered the most venomous animal in the world.

New shark research targets a nearly endangered species

They are some of the most iconic and unique-looking creatures in our oceans. While some may think they look a bit odd, one thing researchers agree on is that little is known about hammerhead sharks. Many of the 10 hammerhead ...

Scientists conduct shark survey off US East Coast

Sandbar, dusky and tiger sharks are among dozens of shark species living in the coastal waters off the U.S. East Coast. Little is known about many of the species, but a survey begun nearly 25 years ago is helping scientists ...

UN adopts 'historic' high seas treaty

The world's first international treaty to protect the high seas was adopted Monday at the United Nations, creating a landmark environmental accord designed to protect remote ecosystems vital to humanity.

Antibiotic resistance risk for coastal water users

Recreational users of coastal waters such as swimmers and surfers are at risk of exposure to antibiotic resistant bacteria, according to new research published this week.

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