Mass evacuations as second cyclone in a week forms off India

Indian authorities on Monday ordered the evacuation of nearly half a million people out of the path of a new cyclone heading towards the east of the country, just a week after another deadly storm smashed into the west coast.

Another cyclone looms for India, week after deadly storm

A severe cyclone is brewing off India's eastern coast, the nation's weather bureau warned Sunday, as the death toll rose from a major storm that wreaked havoc in the west of the virus-hit nation last week.

Image: Madrid snowbound

Captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission on 11 January 2021 at 12:14 CET, this image of Madrid in Spain appears to have been taken in black and white. In fact, it is a true-colour image—but the heaviest snowfall in ...

Australia's Byron Bay beach shrinks as sand disappears

Australia's Byron Bay usually conjures images of bathers lounging on sunkissed shores, or blissed-out longboarders cruising along cyan-blue waves—but coastal erosion and lashing storms have reduced its seashore to a debris-strewn ...

Flood risk for low-income housing in U.S. could triple by 2050

The number of affordable housing units in the United States at risk of flooding could triple over the next three decades due to climate change, to nearly 25,000 by 2050, according to a new study from the research group Climate ...

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